
Tijori Ka Raaz

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Tijori Ka Raaz (Secret of the safe) is the 4th remarkable crime buster novel in Jasoosi Dunia (the spy world) series. The first and unique spy / secret agents, investigation officers of urdu crime & investigation literature Colonel Faridi and Captain Hameed solve another crime mystry. This time there is no murder mystry to solve but its a case of unique burglary where nothing was stolen from the opened Safe. Our two intelligent officers will cope with different strange and paranormal situations. This novel is not just only a crime investigation story but also disclose the human nature of cheat, fraud and endless greed. This is the 4th novel of Jasoosi Dunia series by Ibn-e-Safi and Kitaab Ghar will present more stories of the same series in coming days. We hope our readers will find this novel as equal as others we produced
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Submission Date 03:26:2009

Comments on Tijori Ka Raaz

#31 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 08:26:2009 - 20:22:15:

it is nice and i like it :cool: i find more noval like this
Saqib Ahmed
Saqib Ahmed
#32 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 06:13:2009 - 16:34:29:

nod I have read all this story online. My request to the publisher of the site is only that can you please give the oppurtunity of downloading of the books in the
The novel is so beatifull and delicious. Such novels should be there for refreshment and entertainment.
#33 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 06:11:2009 - 16:22:00:

i read this story. in this story very suspensive & interesting .
Abdulmuyeed Parveez
Abdulmuyeed Parveez
#34 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 06:10:2009 - 21:42:27:

A fan of Ibne Safi saheb since I read his novel "Maut ki Chatan" way back in 1983 when i was a high school student. Reading his novels help me in improving my urdu. Its first time I got chance to read "Tajori Ka Raaz", it is simply superb. Thank to Kitab Ghar for this service.
owais balti
owais balti
#35 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 06:01:2009 - 18:57:54:

I read this novel it is very suspence novel. I like it
owais balti
owais balti
#36 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 06:01:2009 - 18:57:09:

I read this novel i like this novel fantastic and brilliant novel
kunza ali
kunza ali
#37 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 05:19:2009 - 17:27:31:

wow what a novel i really like it
i really appreciate the hard work of kitab ghar
u guys are doing gr8 job ,keep it up!:D
kunza ali
kunza ali
#38 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 05:18:2009 - 22:00:45:

Ibn-e-Safi is the king of secrete novels. if he diverted his mind towards crime its sure that it is the ost difficult task to for the police to catch him. but he loved his country and he gave this massege to us too.

smiling facesmiling facesmiling facesmiling face

ilike ur messsage.plz improve ur english,i can't understand what u say
moazam ali
moazam ali
#39 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 05:12:2009 - 00:37:08:

deffinately, like other written by ibn-e-safi this was also great ther is no cange of this personality. he was the man of great mind. he is my ideal
Muhammad Sarwar
Muhammad Sarwar
#40 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 05:04:2009 - 20:07:13:

I have read this novel.This is realy a good novel.Try 2 add more novels like this.

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