Mohabbat Gazeeda by Qurrat ul Ain Sikandar is a beautiful urdu love story of Romance, sincerity and bonds between relationships, key to success. Mohabbat Gazeeda is a story of Zaryab who was brought up with broad minded rather than following old customs and rituals. Zaryab had rural background but he moved in life with his efforts. Its a story of Zaiba who believes in Love and Rehan who is ambassador of love. Its also story of two sisters Zoya and Zaiba.
Qurratul Ain Sikandar is an Urdu Novelist and her three Novels Ishq Pechan, Mera Aitbar Rakhna & Fasal e Mohabbat have already been published in the book form and available in market.. We hope Kitab Ghar Readers will like this beautiful Romantic Urdu Novel and give their feedback.