Tash Ghar is a captivating socio-romantic urdu novel by Aymal Raza published on Kitab Ghar. The novel's narrative revolves around a family residing in India during the pre-independence era, before the partition of Pakistan and India. It artfully portrays the moments leading up to the separation of Pak-o-Hind, capturing the essence of that historical period. Through its fictional lens Tash Ghar delves into the traditions, customs, and culture prevalent among people before the Indian sub-continent division. The story also sheds light on the complexities of relationships, revealing possessiveness and aggression within familial bonds. She is writer of famous novels like Sham Rang Siyah. Her New Novel Tash Ghar has started in Kiran Digest and Aymal Raza has very kindly allowed kitab ghar to publish it online.
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