
Qayamat-e-Sughra Aur Mumlakat-e-Khuda Daad Ka Qayam by Dr. Alia Jawad

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Description In this book Qayamat-e-Sughra or Mumlakat-e-Khudadaad Ka Qayam (Little Doomsday and Establishment of GOD Given State) Author Dr. Alia Jawad presented prophecies and predictions from various religious books, sacred text scrolls and mythologies of different nations, religions and cultures referring to series of world wide disasters and arrival of a savior after that who will fill the world with peace and justice just like it was filled earlier with unrest and injustice.

Author Dr. Alia Jawad studied these ancient documents, religious books, mythologies and old and new commentaries on these sources and established a link between these continued stories in the past.

This book is a valuable addition and opens new doors to the readers who have keen interest on this topic.
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Submission Date 05:21:2024 (Edited )

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