
Family Health Care

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Description Family Health by Dr. Asif Mehmood Jah is an excellent Medical Care and Health Book written for all family members, especially for House Wives. This Health Guide Book is an attempt to realize the need of basic precautions for Health and Safety of our Family. Articles in this book cover almost all the diseases and medical problems by their common names, a child, youngster or elders may suffer. Common problems may vary from bleeding in cuts or accidents, electric shock, allergy or reaction in case of using a medicine, Mental, Physical or Psychological Complications. Following are some of the Articles included in this book: Bedwetting Problem of Kids, Mother's Milk Nutrition, Kids Health Problem in Winter, Diarrhoea Prevention, Measles Prevention, Asthma in Kids, Nasal Bleeding, Lack of Attention in kids for Studies, Anger Management, Get Rid of Depression and Anxiety, Schizophrenia & Hysteria and Treatment, Acne Problem and Dieting Craze in Young Girls, Leukoderma and Skin Rashes, Delivery and Mother's Age, Infertility is curable, What to do in Electric Shock, Skin Burn, Snake and Dog Bite and Suffocation. Side Effects of Medicines, Pain Killers for Headache and Back pain, Memory Enhancing Medicines, Cholesterol and Obesity Control Medicines, Sugar and Blood Pressure, Prevention from Heart Attack and Cancer, Kidney Stone Problem, Joint Pain Relief, Liver Problems, Dengue Fever Treatment, Bird Flu and Breathing Problem.
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