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Description <br>The Book Momina, compiled by Muhammad Yasir Kayani, is a collection of Eulogies, Letters, Columns by many famous figures of Pakistan her family, friends and class fellows, written on the young death of Momina Cheema in a Car Accident. The book also contains Articles and Essays she wrote on different topics. She was daughter of Dr. Muhammad Akhtar Cheema & Famous Writer and Columnist Tayyaba Zia. Momna Cheema had studied in Duke University, Harvard University & Virginia University. She studied Eastern Culture and Civilization in Harvard University and got admission in Law College of Virginia University. Besides Law Studies, she was doing practical learning by working with Chief Judge of District Courts New York.
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Submission Date 06:24:2012 (Edited )

Comments on Momina

محمد ھاشم یزمانی
محمد ھاشم یزمانی
Posted 12:12:2012 - 10:55:36:

السلام علیکم: بڑی شاندار کتاب ھے اور پڑھنے والے کو ایک ولولہ و جذبہ تازہ عطا کرتی ھے۔۔۔ اللہ تعالی مرھومہ کو جنت الفردوس میں جگہ عطا فرمائے ۔۔۔۔ آمین

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