
Tsavo Ke Adamkhor

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Tsavo ke Adam Khor by Syed Allauddin is urdu translation of very famous book The Maneaters of Tsavo by J.H Patterson. Its a story of two African Maneaters Tigers and Lions who killed 100s of men. They got so bold they started attacking men in their houses, camps and even in presence of fire. Colonel J.H Patterson was in army and he was incharge of the railway line laying work in Africa (Tsavo). He has to take action and kill the beasts who were eating his labour. The book is so famous and popular, Hollywood made a movie on the same book by the name of Ghost and the Darkness. The book contains many adventures and interesting information during his stay in Africa. Readers of this book sure find it very interesting and entertaining.
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Submission Date 11:15:2008

Comments on Tsavo Ke Adamkhor

Posted 04:08:2012 - 15:36:01:

It is really nice and intresting book.Ipay homage to your effort and commetment.It is fantastic story.
Zafar Masood
Zafar Masood
Add more hunging book
Posted 11:12:2009 - 11:48:07:

Excellent Very Very Excellent Book from J.H. P.

Please Add more Hunting book, i.e. Jim Carbot, J.H.P etc
plz accept my request at your earliest please please.

Best Regards,

Zafar Masood
NBC Coordinator
Posted 10:30:2009 - 14:07:39:

we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books we want more hunting books grin
Asad Jhanzeb
Asad Jhanzeb
Posted 10:07:2009 - 12:04:56:

Most Excellent Book.
Please Add the more Hunting book on site please,
kindly accept my request.


Asad Jhanzeb
Posted 09:03:2009 - 22:21:27:

Excuse me. Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children.
I am from Hungary and also am speaking English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: "The step of culture insect in henchmen retains from infected role shampoo."

Thanks for the help scream, Sharif.
Professor zarlash
Professor zarlash
Posted 06:21:2009 - 05:33:19:

great backgrounds, strong location definitions, and very good narrations between humans and wild nature
Zafar Masood
Zafar Masood
Posted 04:11:2009 - 09:28:32:

This is my favorite book and its story is very interesting please sdd more hunting book as soon as possible.


Zafar Masood
gulzar ibrahim
gulzar ibrahim
Posted 03:22:2009 - 16:03:59:


I Like it,
its very good.


Posted 03:15:2009 - 23:19:55:

this is beautiful book and its story is very very interesting please sdd more hunting book thanks
faheem kazi
faheem kazi
#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted 02:28:2009 - 11:35:28:

hi, its good book but i'll agree with one friend that the original one is much more interesting, at some scenes of urdu version there are technical errors and mistakes about the lions, any ways its good attempt because very few writers and readers like hunting topic,it is my request if there are any books or such material having true stories please share throug web, as it is difficult to find true hunting books

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