1 matching result for "umar jadoon":
Tark-e-Ana Tajdeed-e-Mohabbat by Umar Jadoon
From Prose » Urdu Novels
Tark-e-Ana Tajdeed-e-Mohabbat is a social romantic urdu novel by writer Umar Jadoon published by Prime Publications in paper book form and kitab ghar is publishing it online for urdu novel readers. Tark-e-Ana Tajdeed-e-Mohabbat urdu novel is based on story of these individuals who suffered a great loss for their ego and obstinacy. Readers will also meet few characters of this novel who kept walking on the path of love and faced many losses. Novels and stories usually have happy ending for the good wishes and expectations of readers but in real life such stories have bitter situations and sad endings. Novel Tark-e-Ana Tajdeed-e-Mohabbat also has some fictional characters to keep story interesting. We hope, our Social Romantic Novel Readers will find this Novel very heart touching, Interesting and Entertaining.