3 matching results for "spynovels":

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Super Agent Safdar
  • 93.4/5
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Super Agent Safdar of Imran Series Novels is another Excellent Super Spy Action Adventure Fast Tempo Novel by Mazhar Kaleem M.A, who is the most popular Imran Series Writer of this age. Super Agent Safdar is a novel written with a theme to show the agent's individual performance and capabilities. Others novel of this series are Dashing Agent, Juliana Mission etc. This time, X2, the chief of Pakasia Secret Service has decided to depute Safdar for a very dangerous and impossible mission of stealing a formula from a military weapon lab established in desert and guarded by state of the art technology. Ali Imran and Pakasia Secret Service Members will cover him to watch his back and make sure his safety in this dangerous mission.

We hope Jasoosi Action Adventure Stories readers will like this novel
Hard Crime (Imran Series)
  • 90/5
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<br />Hard Crime is an Imran Series Novel on a theme of International Illegal Human Organs Trade, written by Mazhar Kaleem M.A. Its a story of stone heart cruel criminals who were in Human Organs Trafficking, specially Selling of Eyes Cornea for Corneals Transplant. These Ruthless Butchers kidnap new born babies from hospitals and other places, pull their eye balls out and kill them. Pakasia Secret Service got involved accidently in this mission and soon found out that its an illegal multi billion international Eyes Cornea Trade and Trafficking Business and some very powerful crime syndicates are working on it and selling Eyes Coreans to International Buyers, under cover of Human Organs Donations by Charity Organizations, mostly from Poor Countries. How did Ali Imran and Pakasia Secret Service stopped this Hard Crime? Read the novel to find out
E-City (Imran Series)
  • 75/5
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<br>E-City is an Imran Series Crime Buster Spy Action Adventure Novel written by Mazhar Kaleem M.A. Super Power Acremia build a small city, fully computer controlled and with fool proof security system. Everything is being watched and controlled by High Tech State-of-the-Art MicroChip based Command and Control system. The code name of this very high security area is E-City. They also setup two high security secret labs in this e-city. When Acremians kidnapped a Pakasian Scientist and hosted him in e-City, Pakasia Secret Service and Ali Imran were assigned mission to rescue Pakasian Scientist. Did they manage to breach the high alert security of e-city? We hope, our Imran Series Action Adventure Novel Readers will like this Novel and give their comments.
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