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Mind Blaster
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Mind Blaster is an excellent Imran Series Novel by Mazhar Kaleem M.A. Its story starts with an advance and amazing invention called Down Up and it was used on Pakasia 150 Commandos and they were killed like worms. Later, it was used on Pakasian Atomic Plant Scientists and the all of them went into coma for 72 hours. One Pakasian Scientist invented even advance device, the Mind Blaster, that can not only put men into coma from many miles distance but also damage their brains. Kafirstan stole this invention, its formula and killed the Scientist. Imran and Pakasia Secret Service must stop Kafristan Agencies to further develop this lethal and barbarous device and its mass attack on Pakasia. Imran and Pakasian Secret Service must take revenge of their 150 commandos who were killed in their sleep.
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