Green Force (Part-4) by M.A Rahat (An Action Adventure Epic Novel about Some Devotees Patriots)

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Green Force is a long Action Adventure Novel about some Devotees Patriots with many twists in the story, written by M.A Rahat who has thousands of stories on his credit in the long writing career of past 30 years and published by Ilm o Irfan Publishers Lahore. MA Rahat is equally popular for his horror thriller fiction stories as well as sensitive social issues. The story of Green Force Novel is about a group of individuals who founded a task force to work in the best interest of the Country and find and terminate criminals and traitors working against the country. The Green Force lead by Ex. Army Colonel, and Ex. Special Police Official with strange looks but extraordinary mental and physical skills. How well Green Force performed and How many successful missions they completed, read this epic adventure novel to find out. We hope, Readers will like this novel

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Green Force Novel, MA Rahat, Action Adventure Novel on Devotees Patriots, Group of Individuals founded taskforce, find and terminate criminals and traitors, working against the country, Ex. Army Colonel, Ex. Special Police Official, extraordinary mental and physical skills. Green Force successful missions, popular urdu writer, horror thriller fiction stories, sensitive social issues, amazing skills and stranger powers, digital library, online archive, variety of free urdu books, Urdu Action Adventure Stories, best seller writer, ebooks publisher

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